TRIME PICO-32 Soil Moisture Sensor
Power supply: 7V..24V-DC
Power consumption: 100mA @ 12V/DC during 2..3sec. of measuring
Moisture measuring range: 0..100% volumetric water content
Accuracy (in % volumetric water content):
Conductivity range: 0..6dS/m, 6..12dS/m, 12..50dS/m
Moisture range 0..40%: ±1% ±2% with material specific calibration
Moisture range 40..70%: ±2%,±3%
Repeating accuracy: ±0.2%, ±0.3%
Temperature caused drift of electronics (full range): ±0.3%
Soil temperature measuring range: -15°C...50°C
Soil temperature measuring accuracy: ±1,5°C absolute, ±0,5°C relative
Measurement volume: 0,25L ? 110x50mm diameter
Operating Temperature: -15°C...50°C (extended temperature range on request)
Calibration: Calibration for a wide range of standard soil types (in accordance with Topp (equation)) standard calibration for most soils customizable material specific calibration storage of up to 15 user defined calibration curves calibration of dialectric permittivity is possible
Probe body: waterproof sealed PVC (IP68)
Size: 155 x Ø32mm
Rod lenght: standard: 110mm
Rod diameter: 3,5mm
Interfaces: IMP-BUS RS485
Analogue output: 2x 0..1V, 0(4)..20mA*
Interfaces Application Cable length Connector
RS485 & analogue mobile for HD2 & PICO-BT 1,5m 7-pin female
IMP-BUS for globeLog datalogger 5m (special length on request) 4-pin female
RS485, IMP-BUS & analogue for analogue datalogger
Optional: E-BOX (cabel extension box)
Optional available for cable extension and current output: C-BOX (0,1V zu 0(4)..20mA converter box) 5m (special length on request) 10-pin end splices
SDI-12, IMP-BUS & analogue for SDI-12 datalogger 5m (special length on request) 9-pin end splices